Where greed is lying in the markets

News as a business will seek out what is desirable and what is selling to audiences to remain profitable. Sometimes that audience is the market participants or traders, other times it is so called “Main Street.” Which I happen to believe is a lot like Wall Street, in a way.

The two are axioms, and are only reflections of peoples moral and financial conscience. Though they can be tangible emotional and realistic identifiers, they are just concepts of position to the markets themselves. They are both exploited. Most often advertised to diminish the truth of their relative similarities and maintain a structure that is relatively easy to manipulate to either audiences advantage.

The most popular depiction of dissimilarity is that somehow Main Street has no greed but for a greater good, and Wall Street is money hungry, stealing from the fears and misfortunes of others. While there is always instance for agreement to these juxtaposed arguments, there is more truth to the following statement- underlying this bitterness of greed and mistrust between the two there is an equal, that is not biased to one street or the other. An instinctive dream.

Who is more full of greed, the individual who positions himself to be in a profitable risky investment or trade, or the individual who positions himself in a trade with minimal risk or only profit? The greed lies in the first individual who positions himself with hope. This could be exhibited by a trader, investor or Main Streeter. Greed does not see a Main Street/Wall Street comparison and neither does the market. How could anyone become profitable if greed lied in all. It doesn’t, but does. Greed is in part of us all as a survival instinct, but in the markets you can not survive with greed.

People will instinctively seek out the most profitable place for their money wherever it may be. The premise for why people make investments in the markets, and what we are giving and getting, is most often portrayed only in hypothetical terms, but seems rational. Yet our survival instincts are not wrong when continually pointing in the markets direction as we think of how to grow our capital. But why would an individual give their money to someone who could not guarantee to them they would return it. Think of how many people in your life you would give money too with that agreement, the pay it back if you can return policy. The people that do so are the ones who are gambling.

Greed lies not as frequently as the news portrays in any one group of individuals labeled investors, traders, or Main Streeter’s, but in a societal dream of making it big in all. Everyone has this implanted as one of societies life’s goals, maybe not their goal but societies. It can be a powerful piece of nature and hard to control depending on our surroundings. The loyalty to that dream can at times drive individuals to act inherent with greed and mistaken risks, and use insensible judgement with his/her most valuable financial assets.

Greed is a dream and partial instinct to survive supported by desire. This could be simplified into a readily played thought in our minds, “I want that.” There must be a balance between wanting and needing to be successful and survive. But, no truly profitable individual investor or trader in the markets uses this dream, a virtual unawareness, with his/her entire “dream” capital. In this way, the popular conceptual structure of success for Main Street vs Wall Street might not be far enough apart.